VideoInsights Logo


Simple & predictable pricing. No surprises.



$0 USD

  • 200 tokens per month
  • Interact with Youtube
  • Upload your own media
  • Limited to 1 hour media
  • Limited visual analysis options
  • API access


$10 USD

  • 1200 tokens per month
  • Interact with Youtube
  • Upload your own media
  • Limited to 2 hour media
  • Visually analyze videos
  • API Access


$20 USD

  • 2700 tokens per month
  • Interact with Youtube
  • Upload your own media
  • Limited to 4 hour media
  • Visually analyze videos
  • API Access

Token Usage Guide

Understand how operations consume tokens.

OperationDetailsToken Cost
Audio Analysis
1 Token / Minute of media
Video Analysis
15 Tokens / Minute of media
Metadata Analysis
0 Token


  • Analyzing a 10-minute video with audio analysis only would use 10 tokens.
  • Analyzing a 10-minute video with full video and audio analysis would use 150 tokens.
  • Requesting comments and metadata for a video would use 0 tokens.

Custom Plans

Need large volume usage or enterprise plan? Use the Contact form
or email us at